
Simulado: TRF 3ª REGIÃO - Inglês - Técnico Judiciário Edificações

6 questões | Inglês, Ensino Médio

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Considere a sentença abaixo.

In the repair and maintenance of traditional buildings it is always best practice to retain as much of the original material as possible. Where that is not possible, the most effective alternative involves the understanding and use of materials and techniques that were employed in the original construction.

Na sentença, a expressão traditional building refere-se a 

Os termos mortar e masonry referem-se, respectivamente, a

      Curing is the process in which the concrete is protected from loss of moisture and kept within a reasonable temperature range. This process results in concrete with increased strength and decreased permeability. Curing is also a key player in mitigating cracks, which can severely affect durability. 

A sentença refere-se a 

      Curing is the process in which the concrete is protected from loss of moisture and kept within a reasonable temperature range. This process results in concrete with increased strength and decreased permeability. Curing is also a key player in mitigating cracks, which can severely affect durability. 

O termo loss of moisture pode ser traduzido como 

      Curing is the process in which the concrete is protected from loss of moisture and kept within a reasonable temperature range. This process results in concrete with increased strength and decreased permeability. Curing is also a key player in mitigating cracks, which can severely affect durability.

O termo strength pode ser traduzido como 

Considere a sentença abaixo.

To generate the swelling curve, it is first necessary to estimate three variables which affect the rate and potential magnitude of serviceability loss due to swelling … [ ] ... Generally, swelling need only be considered for fine-grained soils such as clays and silts.

Os termos swelling e clays referem-se, respectivamente, a 

Resolver simuladosEscolaridadeQuantidade
Interpretação de Textos em InglêsEnsino Superior11
Pronomes em InglêsEnsino Superior2
Advérbios em inglêsEnsino Médio1
Substantivos em inglêsEnsino Médio1
Artigos definidos e indefinidos em inglêsEnsino Médio1
Verbos modais em inglêsEnsino Médio1
Aspectos GramaticaisEnsino Superior1
PreposiçõesEnsino Médio1
Tempos verbais em inglêsEnsino Médio1
Reading ComprehensionEnsino Médio1

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