Simulado: Prefeitura de Aroeiras PB - Inglês - Professor de Inglês

5 questões de Inglês, Ensino Superior

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👥 354
📊 65%
181 ótimo
75 bom
89 regular
9 péssimo
Entre os substantivos seguintes, identifique aquele que forma o plural como POTATO – POTATOES; TOMATO – TOMATOES.

She Said, “I’m not going to call you again!” In other words, she said:

Mark the sentence in which the passive voice is used correctly:

“They are repairing the bridge”

Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.

My sister and I have very different interests. She is very good at math _____ I prefer music and arts.

Assinale a idéia expressa pelo verbo em destaque na frase:

Africa is not the front line in the war against terror, but it soon could be.

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