
Simulado: Exército Brasileiro (EsFCEx) - Inglês - Oficial

6 questões | Inglês, Ensino Superior

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Complete the passage below with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.Then choose the correct alternative.
Name a celebrity and Naomi Stein _______ probably ______________(1) them. She_______________(2) famous for her photos of John Lennon and The Rolling Stones.
Her new book, The Female Gaze ___________________(3) a hundred intimate portraits of different types of women. Last night Dave Weich_____________(4) Naomi in New York, where she _______________(5) tohim four of her favorite photographs.

Choose the alternative that best completes the sentence below.

Lucy rented _______ yellow car about ________ hour ago and lent it to_________ students.

Which alternative best completes the following sentence?

My sister spent most of her life __________ a small town _________ the south _________Bahia.

Choose the correct alternative according to the use of modals:

Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences below:

My car wasn‟t big enough, so, I needed a ________ one. My new car is______ and __________ than the one I had. It is _________ car in the world.

Identify the correct (C) questions and the incorrect ones (I). Then choose the best alternative.

(     ) How old Ana is?

(     ) Where are going these kids?

(     ) Are you waiting for us?

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