
Simulado: Pronomes em Inglês: 10 exercícios com gabarito e comentários

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Pick the appropriate relative pronoun:

"The book ___ I borrowed from you was excellent."

Choose the correct personal pronoun:

"She and I went to the park. ___ had a great time."

Select the right possessive pronoun:

"The cat licked ___ paws."

Choose the correct interrogative pronoun:

" ______ do you consider guilty?"

Choose the correct option:

"_____ guys  have been working a lot."

Texto associado.

(UNIFOR CE/2001)

Robotic Engineers:

Engineers [TO BE] needed to build robots that do everything from assembling machinery to caring for aging parents.

Tech Teachers:

As technology use increases in all industries, more adulteducation teachers are needed to give workers the skills to survive. About half of all adults are currently enrolled in an adult-education class.

Tech Support:

Technology isn’t infallible, and skilled workers who can fix frustrating problems are rarely needed. Estimates show a 222 percentage boost in computer-support jobs by 2008.

(Newsweek, April 30, 2001)

No texto, o pronome who

Texto associado.


Seven portions of fruit and vegetables are better for you

For many years, the nutrition message has been “five a day” – the recommendation that five portions of fruit and vegetables are enough to keep disease at bay and help us to live longer. That advice has been revised upwards. A new study suggests that people who get seven or more portions a day are healthier. Researchers from University College London studied the dietary habits of 65,000 adults over a seven-year period. They concluded that: “A robust inverse association exists between fruit and vegetable consumption and mortality, with benefits seen in up to 7-plus portions daily.” In other words, if you eat more fruit and vegetables, chances are you live longer.

The researchers put people into five different groups, depending on how much fruit and veg they ate. They found that those who ate seven or more portions a day had a 42 percent lower risk of death than those who ate just one portion. They recommended that schools serve healthier meals and that supermarkets put more emphasis on prominently displaying cheaper produce. They warned that frozen and canned fruit was linked to higher mortality rates. Some experts say the findings of the study should be taken with a pinch of salt. One dietician said the findings ignored the fact that people who eat more fruit and veg are generally wealthier and thus lead lifestyles that will help them live longer anyway.

Adapted from: http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1404/140403-fruit-and-vegetables.html

Na frase “They found that those who ate seven or more portions a day…”, o pronome “they” refere-se a:

Select the appropriate pronoun:

"Tom and Sarah are my friends. ___ are very kind."

(PUC-RS/2016) The pronoun “that” could have been omitted without a change in meaning. Mark the alternative in which “that” can NOT be omitted.

Texto associado.

(UFGD MS/2016) Leia um trecho do poema de Edgar Allan Poe e as afirmações a seguir.

The Raven (by Edgar Allan Poe)

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—
Only this and nothing more.”
Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore—
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—
Nameless HERE for evermore.

POE, Edgar Allan. The Raven, 1845. Disponível em: poetryfoundation.org/poem/178713>. Acesso em: 23 out. 2015.

Está correto apenas o que se afirma em

I. O poema de Edgar Allan Poe está na primeira pessoa do singular.

II. O trecho “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary”, pode ser traduzido como “Certa vez, numa meia-noite lúgubre, enquanto meditava, fraco e cansado”.

III. Bleak in “Distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December” pode ser substituído por black, sem perda do efeito de sentido.

IV. O pronome relativo whom em “For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore refere-se a anjos”.

Resolver simuladosEscolaridadeQuantidade
Interpretação de Textos em InglêsEnsino Superior11
Pronomes em InglêsEnsino Superior2
Gramática InglêsEnsino Superior1
Advérbios em inglêsEnsino Médio1
Substantivos em inglêsEnsino Médio1
Artigos definidos e indefinidos em inglêsEnsino Médio1
Verbos modais em inglêsEnsino Médio1
Aspectos GramaticaisEnsino Superior1
PreposiçõesEnsino Médio1
Tempos verbais em inglêsEnsino Médio1

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