
Simulado: Interpretação de Texto - Língua Inglesa - DATAPREV - CESPE

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According to text LI-I,

software should keep up with technological information demands.

According to text LI-I,

the software gap has been caused by the independent action of several factors.

Based on text LI-I, it can be gathered that

the "software gap" can contribute to increase the present boom in information technology.

Text LI-I conveys the idea that 1

professionals are no longer needed to develop good software.

Based on text LI-I, it can be gathered that

more software requires the lack of suitable technology.

Text LI-I conveys the idea that 1

the Federal Government has made massive investments on strategies to improve software development.

According to text LI-I,

more than a dozen of reasons contribute to the software gap.

Text LI-I conveys the idea that 1

the Federal Government should take steps to deal with the "software gap".

According to text LI-I, software is basic to Internet services.

According to text LI-I, software systems are becoming more complex.

Based on text LI-I, it can be gathered that

nowadays software systems are considered highly sofisticated human-engineered structures.

Based on text LI-I, it can be gathered that

the more improvement in hardware the more the need for software.

Resolver simuladosEscolaridadeQuantidade
Interpretação de Textos em InglêsEnsino Superior11
Pronomes em InglêsEnsino Superior2
Verbo to beEnsino Médio1
Verbos auxiliares em inglêsEnsino Médio1
Gramática InglêsEnsino Superior1
Advérbios em inglêsEnsino Médio1
Substantivos em inglêsEnsino Médio1
Artigos definidos e indefinidos em inglêsEnsino Médio1
Verbos modais em inglêsEnsino Médio1
Aspectos GramaticaisEnsino Superior1

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