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“According to Dr. Twenge, much of the teens’ mental health-crisis ____________ to their phones”.

When the ____________1, ___________

iGeners are ______________________.

I. likely to be called ‘technology dependent’

II. familiar with digital systems mostly as adults

III. so focused on connecting in person that the social aspects of work hold high appeal

According to the text, the sentence above can be correctly completed with the elements in

“The text suggests that the whole generation of post-Millennials is at risk of ____________ extreme emotional disturbance or behavioral distress due to constant Internet access”.

The underlined item “shruging” (line 82) is a nonsense word, merely invented for the purposes of this exam. After analyzing the co-text and context, it is correct to conclude that “shruging” means

“As to face-to-face interaction, we can say iGeners ______________________ Millennials”.

“According to Dr. Twenge, iGeners were born between 1995 and 2012. If they _________________1, they _________________2”.

The sentences that compose the missing paragraph Student-chosen texts (See “MISSING PARAGRAPH”.) are all scrambled below. Number them (1-5) in the correct order. Care for coherence and cohesion.

( ) Teachers who use this strategy find that it can lead to a classroom that is engaged with literature.

( ) Students are given a choice of literature from an age- and reading level-appropriate book collection.

( ) Allowing students to choose their own reading materials is a strategy that literacy specialists recommend as a way to develop lifelong readers.

( ) After a period of independent reading, students break into groups and discuss what they’ve read, book club-style, followed by journaling.

( ) When this strategy is successful, students are able to delve deeply into the meaning of the literature, develop critiquing skills, and have a valuable discussion with their classmates about the book that they chose.

The correct sequence downwards is

Considering Text II, write 1 for “iGeners” or 2 for “Millennials” to complete the following sentences.

( ) … can be referred to as ‘digital natives’.

( ) … were born between the early 1980s and 1990s.

( ) … dominate most social networking groups.

( ) … had to adapt quickly to a world undergoing rapid technological changes.

The correct sequence downwards is

Read the following statements referring to Text II, and insert T (True) or F (False) in the parentheses accordingly.

( ) Don’t expect social outings and gettogethers to be much of a selling point for iGeners.

( ) iGeners are so focused on connecting in person that the social aspects of work hold high appeal.

( ) The use of social media has become integrated into the daily lives of most iGeners who have access to mobile technology.

( ) The increased use of mobile technology has caused iGeners to spend more time on their smartphones, and social media and has caused online relationship development to become a new generational norm.

The right order downwards is

Dr. Twenge’s team

iGen teens _______________________

I. have a digital bond to the Internet.

II. have been exposed to an unprecedented amount of technology in their upbringing.

III. belong to the first generation to have always had Internet technology readily available.

According to the text, the sentence above can be correctly completed with the elements in

Resolver simuladosEscolaridadeQuantidade
GramáticaEnsino Superior1
Interpretação de Textos em InglêsEnsino Superior1

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