
Questões de Concurso: Todos os Cargos

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A primeira aula do curso de Maurício começa às 7 horas e 45 minutos e tem 1 hora e meia de duração. Certo dia, Maurício se atrasou e chegou ao curso faltando apenas 30 minutos para o fim da aula. Maurício chegou ao curso às

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Uma doceira produz bolos de dois tamanhos: pequeno e grande. Cada bolo pequeno leva 250 g de farinha, e cada bolo grande, 600 g. Certo dia, ela preparou 12 bolos pequenos e alguns bolos grandes gastando, ao todo, 12,6 kg de farinha. Quantos bolos grandes foram produzidos?

🧠 Mapa Mental

No que concerne aos direitos e garantias fundamentais, julgue os itens subsequentes.

Diferentemente das pessoas naturais, as pessoas jurídicas não podem ser consideradas titulares de direitos fundamentais, como, por exemplo, o direito à honra e à imagem, o direito de resposta e o sigilo de correspondência.

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Texto associado.

Julgue os itens subsequentes, acerca do plano diretor do
município do Ipojuca.

Um proprietário de imóvel urbano no município do Ipojuca poderá conceder o direito de superfície a outrem, por tempo determinado ou indeterminado, sendo que, se o fizer de forma gratuita, será prescindível a escritura pública registrada no cartório de registro de imóveis.

🧠 Mapa Mental

As mídias sociais colaborativas são aquelas nas quais os usuários colaboram diretamente uns com os outros, podendo acertar a produção de um novo conteúdo em conjunto. Um exemplo de mídia social colaborativa é o (A):

🧠 Mapa Mental

Uma comissão com 6 pessoas será formada para representar o Ministério da Fazenda em um congresso internacional. Essas 6 pessoas serão selecionadas de um grupo formado por 5 homens e 6 mulheres. O número de possibilidades de nessa comissão termos 4 pessoas do mesmo sexo é igual a:

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Texto associado.

Acerca das normas relativas às licitações e aos contratos da
administração pública, julgue os itens subsequentes.

O regime jurídico dos contratos administrativos concede à administração pública o direito de modificar unilateralmente as cláusulas econômico-financeiras dos contratos administrativos, para melhor adequação ao interesse comum.

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Texto associado.

Intellectual Property

Industrial property legislation is part of the wider body of law known as intellectual property. Intellectual property relates to items of information or knowledge, which can be incorporated in tangible objects at the same time in an unlimited number of copies at different locations anywhere in the world. The property is not in those copies but in the information or knowledge reflected in them. Intellectual property rights are also characterized by certain limitations, such as limited duration in the case of copyright and patents.
The importance of protecting intellectual property was first recognized in the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property in 1883 and the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works in 1886. Both treaties are administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
Countries generally have laws to protect intellectual property for two main reasons. One is to give statutory expression to the moral and economic rights of creators in their creations and to the rights of the public in accessing those creations. The second is to promote creativity and the dissemination and application of its results, and to encourage fair trade, which would contribute to economic and social development.
Intellectual property is usually divided into two branches, namely industrial property and copyright.
Copyright relates to artistic creations, such as poems, novels, music, paintings, and cinematographic works. The expression copyright refers to the main act which, in respect of literary and artistic creations, may be made only by the author or with his authorization.
The broad application of the term "industrial" is clearly set out in the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (Article 1 (3)): "Industrial property shall be understood in the broadest sense and shall apply not only to industry and commerce proper, but likewise to agricultural and extractive industries and to all manufactured or natural products, for example, wines, grain, tobacco leaf, fruit, cattle, minerals, mineral waters, beer, flowers, and flour."
Industrial property takes a range of forms. These include patents to protect inventions; and industrial designs, which are aesthetic creations determining the appearance of industrial products. Industrial property also covers trademarks, service marks, layout-designs of integrated circuits, commercial names and designations, as well as geographical indications, and protection against unfair competition. In some of these, the aspect of intellectual creation, although existent, is less clearly defined. What counts here is that the object of industrial property typically consists of signs transmitting information, in particular to consumers, as regards products and services offered on the market. Protection is directed against unauthorized use of such signs likely to mislead consumers, and against misleading practices in general.

Understanding Industrial Property. World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO,

p. 3-5. In: Internet: (adapted).

According to the text above, judge the following items.

Intellectual property laws concern themselves with the property of the copies of artistic or industrial products.

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