
Questões de Concurso: Bolsa

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The passage "The resolution establishes transparency in all processes and the United Nations participation in monitoring the sale of Iraqi oil resources and expenditure of oil proceeds" in text IV can be replaced by

The resolution settles transparency in all processes and the United Nations participation in watching carefully the sale of Iraqi oil resources and expenditure of oil proceeds.

🧠 Mapa Mental

The passage "The resolution establishes transparency in all processes and the United Nations participation in monitoring the sale of Iraqi oil resources and expenditure of oil proceeds" in text IV can be replaced by

The resolution foresees transparency in each process and the United Nations cooperation in controlling the purchase of Iraqi oil resources and expenditure.

🧠 Mapa Mental

The passage "The resolution establishes transparency in all processes and the United Nations participation in monitoring the sale of Iraqi oil resources and expenditure of oil proceeds" in text IV can be replaced by

The resolution sets up transparency in every process and the United Nations participation in keeping track of the sale of Iraqi oil reserves and expenses of oil proceeds.

🧠 Mapa Mental

The passage "The resolution establishes transparency in all processes and the United Nations participation in monitoring the sale of Iraqi oil resources and expenditure of oil proceeds" in text IV can be replaced by

The conclusion settles down transparency in all processes and the UN will take part in monitoring the sale of Iraqi renewable resources and expenditure.
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