Questões de Concursos Públicos: Preposições

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(UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta: We stayed in Rome __________ two months.

(ITA) Scientists have been talking about producing better foods __________ genetic engineering ever since the technology first became available more than 20 years ago.

– A preposição que preenche a lacuna corretamente é:

(UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta: Aspirin is the best drug to fight __________ headache.

(CESGRANRIO) In "The sweet-and-lovely look is OUT; the aggressive punk pose is IN", the capital words stand for:

(MACKENZIE) __________ Christmas people usually sing __________.

(UEL) The not-for-credit series of 13 interdisciplinary lectures focuses on the creation of myths and explores parallels to Eva Perón and the Virgin Mary, __________ others.

– Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna 

do texto:

(FEI) Complete: Pablo said that __________ Spain, everybody sleeps  __________ 1 and 4 PM.

(UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta: Very little is known __________ nuclear energy.

(UEL) Olajuwon should have no trouble promoting his product. "All I drink is water", says he. OVER a gallon a day.

– A palavra OVER, no texto, significa:

(UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta: Fried potatoes are called "French Fries" __________ the 

United States.