
Questões de Concurso: CODESP SP

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     The Port of Santos is located in the city of Santos, Brazil. As of 2006, it is the busiest container port in Latin America. It is Brazil’s leading port in container traffic. Today it is Latin America’s largest port. Its structure is considered Brazil’s most modern.
     It was once considered the ‘port of death’ in the 19th century. Ships tended to avoid docking at the wood plank port, fearing the yellow fever. The floods in the city’s area provoked illnesses and once the bubonic plague almost decimated the population.
     In the early 20th century, major urbanization created the port’s modern structure seen today, eliminating the risk of diseases and providing the port with modern, industrial-age infrastructure.
     The first railway link from the port to the state capital São Paulo City, 79 km away, and the state’s interior, was completed in 1864. This allowed for an easier transportation of the vast masses of migrant workers who headed to São Paulo and the state’s numerous coffee farms.
     Millions of immigrants reached Brazil via the port of Santos in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, proceeding to the country’s interior by railway. Santos was for a few decades the true gateway to Brazil for millions of immigrants.

(Adapted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_of_Santos – acesso em 21.01.2011)
No terceiro parágrafo, o termo major é o mesmo que
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Se cinco copos iguais, totalmente cheios de água, forem despejados dentro de uma jarra, ficarão faltando 300 mL para completar a jarra. Se forem utilizados 6 desses copos, a jarra ficará totalmente cheia e ainda sobrarão 100 mL no último copo. A capacidade total da jarra, em litros, é
🧠 Mapa Mental

Se CISC é a sigla que significa Complex Instruction Set Computing, RISC tem por significado Reduced Instruction Set Computing e constituem as arquiteturas dos computadores atuais. Uma técnica é fundamental para o desempenho de máquinas RISC, descrita a seguir:

I. O hardware processa mais de uma instrução de cada vez.

II. O hardware não espera o término de uma instrução para executar outra.

III. Num computador CISC típico, existem basicamente quatro fases para a execução: busca, decodificação, execução e escrita. Num RISC, existem as mesmas fases, só que executadas em paralelo. Uma fase não precisa esperar a outra terminar, para que ela se inicie. Esse procedimento não diminui o tempo de execução da tarefa, mas melhora o processamento global.

Essa técnica é denominada

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Texto associado.
     The Port of Santos is located in the city of Santos, Brazil. As of 2006, it is the busiest container port in Latin America. It is Brazil’s leading port in container traffic. Today it is Latin America’s largest port. Its structure is considered Brazil’s most modern.
     It was once considered the ‘port of death’ in the 19th century. Ships tended to avoid docking at the wood plank port, fearing the yellow fever. The floods in the city’s area provoked illnesses and once the bubonic plague almost decimated the population.
     In the early 20th century, major urbanization created the port’s modern structure seen today, eliminating the risk of diseases and providing the port with modern, industrial-age infrastructure.
     The first railway link from the port to the state capital São Paulo City, 79 km away, and the state’s interior, was completed in 1864. This allowed for an easier transportation of the vast masses of migrant workers who headed to São Paulo and the state’s numerous coffee farms.
     Millions of immigrants reached Brazil via the port of Santos in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, proceeding to the country’s interior by railway. Santos was for a few decades the true gateway to Brazil for millions of immigrants.

(Adapted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_of_Santos – acesso em 21.01.2011)
O sentido de once, no segundo parágrafo, é o mesmo do que está contido na alternativa:
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O Guide to the PMBOK agrupa processos em nove categorias denominadas Áreas de Conhecimento do Gerenciamento de Projetos. Assim, Seleção de Fornecedores e Gerenciamento de Contratos são dois processos inclusos na área de Gerenciamento

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Texto associado.


Os planos das autoridades responsáveis por esses centros são de ampliar o número de vagas para 54 mil alunos ainda este ano. (L.42-45)

Os pronomes destacados no período acima exercem, respectivamente, papel

🧠 Mapa Mental
Considere as frases:

I. O mendigo não interessou-se pelo trabalho.
II. Ele é o mesmo senhor que nos pediu dinheiro ontem.
III. Me informaram que a idosa não era tão pobre.

A colocação pronominal está de acordo com a norma culta apenas em
🧠 Mapa Mental
Texto associado.
     The Port of Santos is located in the city of Santos, Brazil. As of 2006, it is the busiest container port in Latin America. It is Brazil’s leading port in container traffic. Today it is Latin America’s largest port. Its structure is considered Brazil’s most modern.
     It was once considered the ‘port of death’ in the 19th century. Ships tended to avoid docking at the wood plank port, fearing the yellow fever. The floods in the city’s area provoked illnesses and once the bubonic plague almost decimated the population.
     In the early 20th century, major urbanization created the port’s modern structure seen today, eliminating the risk of diseases and providing the port with modern, industrial-age infrastructure.
     The first railway link from the port to the state capital São Paulo City, 79 km away, and the state’s interior, was completed in 1864. This allowed for an easier transportation of the vast masses of migrant workers who headed to São Paulo and the state’s numerous coffee farms.
     Millions of immigrants reached Brazil via the port of Santos in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, proceeding to the country’s interior by railway. Santos was for a few decades the true gateway to Brazil for millions of immigrants.

(Adapted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_of_Santos – acesso em 21.01.2011)
De acordo com o texto,
🧠 Mapa Mental
Assinale a alternativa em que a forma e o emprego dos verbos destacados estão corretos.
🧠 Mapa Mental