
Questões de Concurso: CODEMIG

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Texto 2
Democracia refém (José Roberto de Toledo)

Desde 2008, o ibope pergunta à população em idade de votar quão satisfeita ela está com o funcionamento da democracia no Brasil. Os resultados nunca foram brilhantes ainda menos se comparados com países latino-americanos como Uruguai e Argentina, mas jamais haviam sido tão chocantes quanto agora. Só 15% dos brasileiros se dizem “satisfeitos" (14%) ou “muito satisfeitos" (1%) com o jeito que o regime democrático funciona no país. (Estado de São Paulo, 04/09/2015)
Os termos “satisfeitos" e “muito satisfeitos" aparecem entre aspas porque:
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Segundo MARRAS (2011), o planejamento de um programa eficaz de treinamento envolve oito etapas (prescrição, análise do assunto, planejamento das táticas de ensino, redação de um rascunho do curso, teste com pessoas, revisão do curso, produção e instalação do curso e validação).

Com base nesta afirmação é INCORRETO afirmar que
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Texto associado.
Sustainable mining – oxymoron or a way of the future?

Mining is an activity that has persisted since the start of humans using tools. However, one might argue that digging a big hole in the ground and selling the finite resources that come out of that hole is not sustainable, especially when the digging involves the use of other finite resources (i.e. fuels) and produces a lot of greenhouse gases.

The counter argument could go along the lines that minerals are not being lost or destroyed through mining and mineral processing – the elements are being shifted around, and converted into new forms. Metals can even be extracted from waste, seawater or even sewage, and recycled. But a more simple argument is possible: a mine can be sustainable if it is economically, socially and environmentally beneficial in the short and long term. To be sustainable, the positive benefits of mining should outweigh any negative impacts. […]

Social positives are often associated with mines in regional areas, such as providing better amenities in a nearby town, or providing employment (an economic and social positive). Social negatives can also occur, such as dust, noise, traffic and visual amenity. These are commonly debated and, whilst sometimes controversial, can be managed with sufficient corporate commitment, stakeholder engagement, and enough time to work through the issues. Time is the key parameter - it may take several years for a respectful process of community input, but as long as it is possible for social negatives to be outweighed by social positives, then the project will be socially sustainable.

It is most likely that a mine development will have some environmental negatives, such as direct impacts on flora and fauna through clearing of vegetation and habitat within the mine footprint. Some mines will have impacts which extend beyond the mine site, such as disruption to groundwater, production of silt and disposal of waste. Certainly these impacts will need to be managed throughout the mine life, along with robust rehabilitation and closure planning. […]

The real turning point will come when mining companies go beyond environmental compliance to create "heritage projects" that can enhance the environmental or social benefits in a substantial way – by more than the environmental offsets needed just to make up for the negatives created by the mine. In order to foster these innovative mining heritage projects we need to promote "sustainability assessments" - not just "environmental assessments". This will lead to a more mature appreciation of the whole system whereby the economic and social factors, as well as environmental factors, are considered in a holistic manner.

(adapted from https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/western-australia-division/sustainable-mining-oxymoron-or-way-future. Retrieved on August 10, 2015)
As regards the content of Text 3, analyse the assertions below:

I - It is well-known that the resources extracted from mines are endless.
II - The social negative impacts of mining may be minimized as time goes by.
III - Sustainable assessment has a wider field of action than environmental assessment.
IV - There is agreement that negative impacts of mining are restricted to the site.

The correct sentences are only:
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O princípio básico da divulgação de informações por segmento é que a entidade deve divulgar informações que permitam aos usuários das demonstrações contábeis avaliarem a natureza e os efeitos financeiros das atividades de negócios nos quais está envolvida e os ambientes econômicos em que opera.
No que tange à divulgação de informações por segmento, analise os itens a seguir:

I. Um segmento operacional pode desenvolver atividades de negócio cujas receitas ainda serão obtidas.
II. Nem todas as partes de uma entidade constituem, necessariamente, um segmento operacional ou parte de segmento operacional.
III. Os planos de benefícios pós-emprego de uma entidade podem ser considerados como segmentos operacionais.
IV. Um único gestor não pode ser o gestor de segmento para mais de um segmento operacional.

É correto somente o que se afirma em:
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Texto associado.
Innovation is the new key to survival


At its most basic, innovation presents an optimal strategy for controlling costs. Companies that have invested in such technologies as remote mining, autonomous equipment and driverless trucks and trains have reduced expenses by orders of magnitude, while simultaneously driving up productivity.

Yet, gazing towards the horizon, it is rapidly becoming clear that innovation can do much more than reduce capital intensity. Approached strategically, it also has the power to reduce people and energy intensity, while increasing mining intensity.

Capturing the learnings 

The key is to think of innovation as much more than research and development (R&D) around particular processes or technologies. Companies can, in fact, innovate in multiple ways, such as leveraging supplier knowledge around specific operational challenges, redefining their participation in the energy value chain or finding new ways to engage and partner with major stakeholders and constituencies.

To reap these rewards, however, mining companies must overcome their traditionally conservative tendencies. In many cases, miners struggle to adopt technologies proven to work at other mining companies, let alone those from other industries. As a result, innovation becomes less of a technology problem and more of an adoption problem.

By breaking this mindset, mining companies can free themselves to adapt practical applications that already exist in other industries and apply them to fit their current needs. For instance, the tunnel boring machines used by civil engineers to excavate the Chunnel can vastly reduce miners" reliance on explosives. Until recently, those machines were too large to apply in a mining setting. Some innovators, however, are now incorporating the underlying technology to build smaller machines—effectively adapting mature solutions from other industries to realize more rapid results. 

Re-imagining the future

At the same time, innovation mandates companies to think in entirely new ways. Traditionally, for instance, miners have focused on extracting higher grades and achieving faster throughput by optimizing the pit, schedule, product mix and logistics. A truly innovative mindset, however, will see them adopt an entirely new design paradigm that leverages new information, mining and energy technologies to maximize value. […]

Approached in this way, innovation can drive more than cost reduction. It can help mining companies mitigate and manage risks, strengthen business models and foster more effective community and government relations. It can help mining services companies enhance their value to the industry by developing new products and services. Longer-term, it can even position organizations to move the needle on such endemic issues as corporate social responsibility, environmental performance and sustainability.

(http://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/ru/Document s/energy-resource /ru_er_tracking_the_trends_2015_eng.pdf)
“For instance" in “Traditionally, for instance, miners have focused on extracting" (l. 34-35) is used to:
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As organizações determinam formalmente o valor dos cargos por meio do processo de avaliação de cargos.

Com relação aos sistemas de avaliação é INCORRETO afirmar que
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Texto associado.
Innovation is the new key to survival


At its most basic, innovation presents an optimal strategy for controlling costs. Companies that have invested in such technologies as remote mining, autonomous equipment and driverless trucks and trains have reduced expenses by orders of magnitude, while simultaneously driving up productivity.

Yet, gazing towards the horizon, it is rapidly becoming clear that innovation can do much more than reduce capital intensity. Approached strategically, it also has the power to reduce people and energy intensity, while increasing mining intensity.

Capturing the learnings 

The key is to think of innovation as much more than research and development (R&D) around particular processes or technologies. Companies can, in fact, innovate in multiple ways, such as leveraging supplier knowledge around specific operational challenges, redefining their participation in the energy value chain or finding new ways to engage and partner with major stakeholders and constituencies.

To reap these rewards, however, mining companies must overcome their traditionally conservative tendencies. In many cases, miners struggle to adopt technologies proven to work at other mining companies, let alone those from other industries. As a result, innovation becomes less of a technology problem and more of an adoption problem.

By breaking this mindset, mining companies can free themselves to adapt practical applications that already exist in other industries and apply them to fit their current needs. For instance, the tunnel boring machines used by civil engineers to excavate the Chunnel can vastly reduce miners" reliance on explosives. Until recently, those machines were too large to apply in a mining setting. Some innovators, however, are now incorporating the underlying technology to build smaller machines—effectively adapting mature solutions from other industries to realize more rapid results. 

Re-imagining the future

At the same time, innovation mandates companies to think in entirely new ways. Traditionally, for instance, miners have focused on extracting higher grades and achieving faster throughput by optimizing the pit, schedule, product mix and logistics. A truly innovative mindset, however, will see them adopt an entirely new design paradigm that leverages new information, mining and energy technologies to maximize value. […]

Approached in this way, innovation can drive more than cost reduction. It can help mining companies mitigate and manage risks, strengthen business models and foster more effective community and government relations. It can help mining services companies enhance their value to the industry by developing new products and services. Longer-term, it can even position organizations to move the needle on such endemic issues as corporate social responsibility, environmental performance and sustainability.

(http://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/ru/Document s/energy-resource /ru_er_tracking_the_trends_2015_eng.pdf)
The word “them" in “apply them to fit" (l. 25) refers to:
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Um empresa farmacêutica quer adotar o Balanced Scorecard como ferramenta de gestão. O diretor de recursos humanos precisa propor indicadores relativos à categoria de objetivos “motivação, empowermente alinhamento”, dentro da perspectiva “aprendizado e crescimento” do Balanced Scorecard. Seria um indicador adequado:
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De acordo com a Resolução do CONAMA nº 237/1997, a licença prévia:
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O laboratório de análise clínicas XWZ, de médio porte, vem crescendo e conquistando reputação no mercado, apoiado em uma estratégia voltada para a inovação nos serviços. O laboratório tem uma estrutura com poucos níveis hierárquicos e suas lideranças adotam um estilo gerencial apoiador e participativo. O XWZ sempre investiu fortemente na qualificação certificada dos seus profissionais, sendo esta uma característica distintiva do laboratório. No entanto, já há alguns meses os pedidos de demissão vinham aumentando. As entrevistas de desligamento revelavam que os colaboradores estavam desmotivados, pois não viam perspectiva de ascensão profissional na empresa. O presidente do XWZ estava especialmente preocupado, pois os colaboradores, em sua maioria, estavam sendo contratados pelo principal concorrente do laboratório, por um salário melhor. O presidente reuniu-se com as principais lideranças. Todos tinham consciência de que o porte da empresa e a estrutura enxuta representavam entrave à ascensão vertical dos colaboradores e que um aumento geral dos salários era inviável financeiramente, mas reconheceram o valor das competências individuais na sustentação da estratégia da empresa e firmaram compromisso para retenção dos colaboradores na empresa. A área de RH foi incumbida de propor ações para retenção do pessoal.

Na situação descrita, seriam iniciativas adequadas, entre outras:
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