
Questões de Concurso: Professor de Inglês

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Krashen sees the learner’s emotional state or attitudes as an adjustable filter that freely passes, impedes, or blocks input necessary to acquisition. According to his theory:
🧠 Mapa Mental

Translate into English: A Lake Pontchartrain Causeway é a ponte mais larga do mundo.

🧠 Mapa Mental

Choose the correct alternative: My Grandpa always drives his big fridge truck carefully.

🧠 Mapa Mental

In regard to error treatment and language teaching methods, decide about the correctness of the items below.

In the Grammar-Translation method, errors are seen as a natural, indispensable part of the learning process. The teacher uses students’ errors as a basis for deciding where further work is necessary. Self and peer correction are fostered as well.

🧠 Mapa Mental

All the following sentences indicate permission, except:

🧠 Mapa Mental