
Questões de Concurso: Prefeitura de Romelândia SC Professor de Inglês

Confira aqui questões de Prefeitura de Romelândia SC Professor de Inglês para Concurso grátis com gabarito. Acesse milhares de exercícios com perguntas e respostas resolvidas e comentadas para treinar online. Se preferir, baixe o PDF!

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Choose the best preposition for each of the sentences below:
1-Paul is good ......singing. 2-They went to New York .... the first of November. 3-Camila always visits her boyfriend .........work. 4-Marina is ...........the phone. 5-The teacher stood ........a circle.
Respectively, we have:
🧠 Mapa Mental

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis:

1.She ____ the text frequently.(to forget)

2.I_______a new bicycle two months ago. (to buy)

Respectively the order is:

🧠 Mapa Mental