
Questões de Concurso: Prefeitura de Itatiba SP Professor de Educação Básica PEB II inglês

Confira aqui questões de Prefeitura de Itatiba SP Professor de Educação Básica PEB II inglês para Concurso grátis com gabarito. Acesse milhares de exercícios com perguntas e respostas resolvidas e comentadas para treinar online. Se preferir, baixe o PDF!

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Choose the option where both grammar and vocabulary are correct:

I. “Kristin realizes she had done the wrong thing.”
II. “It’s been ages since you taken me out to a nice restaurant.”
III. “I had my place painted by a professional.”
IV. “I wish I were less worrying about not so important things.”
🧠 Mapa Mental
Choose the option where both grammar and vocabulary are correct:

I. “When I was a child, I use to play on the streets all day long.”
II. “Eating habits today are worse than they used to be.”
III. “You have soccer practice at 2:00, haven’t you?”
IV. “He suffers from a disease that affects his humor.”
🧠 Mapa Mental
Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate verbs/adjectives.

I. “From the beginning, she always ______ to be someone else.”
II. “He apologizes, he didn’t ____ to hurt you.”
III. “She couldn’t ______ the test soon enogh to know the results”
IV. “I loved this show, it was _______.”
🧠 Mapa Mental