
Questões de Concurso: Prefeitura de Irati SC Professor de Inglês

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Regarding the highlighted terms:
I-I have three sons, so I can speak as a mother. II-The climates of Rio and São Paulo are alike. III-He has been working like a horse.
🧠 Mapa Mental
Indicate the statement in which the phrasal verb does not agree with the context:
🧠 Mapa Mental
Read the text below and answer the question:

Circles - By Carl Sandburg

    The White man drew a small circle in the sand and told the Red man “This is what the Indian knows” and drawing a big circle around the small one, “This is what the White man knows.” The Indian took the stick and drew an immense ring around both circles: “This is where the White man and the Red man know nothing”

Available at: https://quotationstreasury.wordpress.com Accessed on February, 20th 2021.
... around the small one.” The world in bold refers to:
🧠 Mapa Mental
Ao aplicar R$80.000,00 em um fundo de aplicação, Gustavo foi informado que lhe renderia 1,5% ao mês na modalidade de juros composto. Que valor Gustavo resgatou no final de 3 meses de aplicação?
🧠 Mapa Mental
Read the text below and answer the question:

Circles - By Carl Sandburg

    The White man drew a small circle in the sand and told the Red man “This is what the Indian knows” and drawing a big circle around the small one, “This is what the White man knows.” The Indian took the stick and drew an immense ring around both circles: “This is where the White man and the Red man know nothing”

Available at: https://quotationstreasury.wordpress.com Accessed on February, 20th 2021.
Use TRUE or FALSE about the paragraph above:
( )The White man thought the red man knew nothing. ( )The Red man´s answer showed he had more wisdom than the White man. ( ) The Native American is trying showing that the knowledge of both is tiny compared to the amount of things they do not know. ( ) It is pointless for a particular group of people to feel superior about their knowledge when compared to another group.
The correct order is:
🧠 Mapa Mental