
Questões de Concurso: Vocabulário

Confira aqui questões de Vocabulário para Concurso grátis com gabarito. Acesse milhares de exercícios com perguntas e respostas resolvidas e comentadas para treinar online. Se preferir, baixe o PDF!

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Read the following sentences I, II and III.

I. For sure I wouldn’t know what to tell them if they showed up. II. I must admit, I am a drug addicted. III. I’m in terrible shape. I must exercise more, otherwise I’ll be in trouble. The alternative that respectively brings the meaning of each one is
🧠 Mapa Mental
Texto associado.

La expresión “meter en cintura” que aparece en la línea 33/34 del texto signi?ca:

🧠 Mapa Mental

Marque a alternativa que traduz corretamente ao português o fragmento “se ha escrito la Constitución”, sublinhado nas últimas linhas do terceiro parágrafo.

🧠 Mapa Mental

Read the sentence below.

The learner context is arguably the most critical factor for teachers to comprehend and the most secure foundation from which to launch their instruction. The underlined word can be replaced by
🧠 Mapa Mental