
Questões de Concurso: Semântica

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Assinale a opção que apresenta o valor semântico do conector destacado de forma adequada.
🧠 Mapa Mental
Ao escrever um texto, o autor enfrenta várias dificuldades. Uma
delas é evitar a repetição de palavras e um dos meios para isso é
substituir uma palavra de valor específico por outra de conteúdo
geral, como no exemplo a seguir.
O sargento foi atropelado; depois de alguns minutos, chegou uma
ambulância que levou o militar para o hospital.
Assinale os vocábulos abaixo que mostram, respectivamente,
esse mesmo tipo de relação:
🧠 Mapa Mental
Texto associado.

Read the text below which is entitled The global union in
order to answer questions 25 to 27.

The global union
Source: Newsweek Special Edition
Dec 2005 Feb 2006 (Adapted)

What would a global union look like? Think more
corporate partnership than class struggle. Today, capital is
global and employers are global. Companies, not countries,
make the rules. To survive, unions need to find their niche.
Global companies are going to need an organization that,
in a sense, will manage their labor and protect workers
rights. A global union would set standard practices and
codes of conduct perhaps even minimum wages and
work hours.
My critics in the labor movement cringe when I use
words like partnership and value added. The reality is
that unions need to add value or corporations will ignore
us. If we want an equitable stake in the company, we need
to define what our goals are. We cant just demand a raise
in pay withoutoffering an incentive to the company. Were
already far behind multinational corporations in the global
game. We made the mistake of transferring the industrial
model of unionism of the last country to the 21st. We lost
market share: in 1960, one in four workers was in a union;
now its one in 12.

Finland and Denmark are described as "cutting-edge economies", which means they are considered

🧠 Mapa Mental

As palavras próxima-mediana-final mostram uma evolução das partes da membrana em relação ao lugar.

Assinale a opção em que a evolução não é feita do vocábulo mais intenso para o menos intenso.

🧠 Mapa Mental
A frase abaixo que apresenta uma relação de sentido com o termo ?tecnopolo?:
🧠 Mapa Mental
A ambiguidade em comunicações oficiais pode causar sérios problemas, portanto deve ser evitada, de modo a garantir a precisão das informações.
INDIQUE a alternativa que NÃO contém problemas de ambiguidade.
🧠 Mapa Mental
Assinale a afirmativa incorreta sobre o seguinte texto: “Fiz um acordo de coexistência pacífica com o tempo: nem ele me persegue, nem eu fujo dele. Um dia, a gente se encontra.” (Mário Lago)
🧠 Mapa Mental
Texto associado.


For your protection, please read these safety
instructions completely before operating the appliance, and
keep this manual for future reference.

Carefully observe all warnings, precautions and
instructions on the appliance, or the one described in the
operating instructions and adhere to them.

POWER SOURCES - This set should be operated
only from the type of power source indicated on the marking
label. If you are not sure of the type of electrical power supplied
to your home, consult your dealer or local power company. For
those sets designed to operate from battery power, or other
sources, refer to the operating instructions.

OBJECTAND LIQUID ENTRY - Never push objects
of any kind into the set through openings as they may touch
dangerous voltage points or short out parts that could result in
a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the set.

ATTACHMENTS - Do not use attachmentsnot
recommended by the manufacturer, as they may cause

CLEANING - Unplug the set from the wall outlet
before cleaning or polishing it. Do not use liquid cleaners or
aerosol cleaners. Use a cloth lightly dampened with water for
cleaning the exterior of the set.

OVERLOADING - Do not overload wall outlets,
extension cords or convenience receptacles beyond their
capacity, since this can result in fire or electric shock.

ACCESSORIES - Do not place the set on an
unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table. The set may
fall, causing serious injury to a child or an adult, and serious
damage to the set. Use only a cart stand tripod, bracket, or
table recommended by the manufacturer.

WATER AND MOISTURE - Do not use power-line
operated sets near water - for example, near a bathtub,
washbowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or
near a swimming pool, etc.

SERVICING - Do not attempt to service the set
yourself asopening or removing covers may expose you to
dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to
qualified service personnel.

SAFETY CHECK - Upon completion of any service
or repairs to the set, as the service technician to perform
routine safety checks (as specified by the manufacturer) to
determine that the set is in safe operating condition.

(Adapted from SONY manual - Sony Corporation - 2000 - Printed in Japan).

The conjunction as in the sentence: "Never push objects of any kind into the set through openings as they may touch dangerous voltage points." ( paragraph 4 ) could be replaced, without change of meaning, by:

🧠 Mapa Mental