
Questão 860728: Examples of countable nouns are:

Examples of countable nouns are:

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About to turn 75, author and cartoonist Ziraldo collects honors and says he is in love with his work. Ziraldo Alves Pinto contradicts the legend that people from Minas Gerais don´t talk too much. Born in the city of Caratinga, in October 1932, the author of one of the greatest editorial successes in Brazil, the children´s book The Nutty Boy, from 1980, lets loose to talk about Blank I passion for drawing and for the art of putting ideas on paper. Full of projects, Ziraldo says that he doesn´t plan to stop soon. Happy, he celebrates innumerous honors which he has received in 2007, when he turns 75 years old and completes more than 50 years in his career.

There are exhibitions that show his talent as movie poster, designer, cartoonist, comic strip writer, and illustrator. Ziraldo was also honored with an extensive display in the 18th Salão Carioca de Humor, which ended in April.

Ziraldo, who has already sold almost 10 million books, is the author of the first national comic magazine written by a single author, Pererê´s Gang. But his first success in children´s literature was the book Flicts (1969), about a color that can´t find its place in the world. (…)

Examples of countable nouns are:

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