
Questão 694193: Choose the alternative that is NOT in the Simple Past:

Choose the alternative that is NOT in the Simple Past:

Texto associado.
                     Homeless crack addict revitalizes small square in
                                             downtown São Paulo
1        A   homeless   man   has   chosen  to   occupy   his   free    time
          revitalizing  a  small square on the corner of avenues São João
          and  Duque  de  Caxias,  in  downtown  São  Paulo. He planted
          pau-brasil,  palm,  banana and avocado trees. He also planted
5        boldo, sweet potatoes, beans, peppers and ornamental plants,
          such  as  snake  plants. Residents noticed the square’s gradual
          changes  and  congratulated the author for the modifications.
Fonte: Folha de São Paulo Internacional – 21/03/2017
Choose the alternative that is NOT in the Simple Past:
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