
Questão 692014: Based on text CB1A3-II, decide which of the alterna...

Based on text CB1A3-II, decide which of the alternatives below is correct.

Texto associado.
1 The Canada Revenue Agency continues to modernize
its operations and reduce red tape to enhance services to
Canadians while reducing its overall costs. It is increasingly
4 providing services electronically to make it easier for
Canadians and businesses to interact with the Agency at the
lowest possible cost. By simplifying the way it collects taxes
7 and distributes benefit payments, the Agency will ensure
Canadians and small and medium-sized enterprises receive the
benefits and credits to which they are entitled as efficiently and
10 quickly as possible. In addition, the Agency will leverage the
expertise of tax professionals to improve the effectiveness of its
Comptroller General of Canada. Archived – Budget 2012 (adapted).
Based on text CB1A3-II, decide which of the alternatives below is correct.
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