
Questão 686790: The word “must” (line 6), underlined in the text, is used...

The word “must” (line 6), underlined in the text, is used to express:

Texto associado.
1           Grounding is a common form of punishment for young
       people who disobey their parents. Grounding means that
       they are not allowed to go out, after school or on weekends,
       for a certain period of time. This could be from one day to
5     ____ month or more, depending upon the gravity of the
       offense. During that time, though, they must continue to go to
       school, to work if they have a job, and do other errands
       approved by their parents.
                ____ term “grounding” is ____ aviation term. A plane is
10   grounded when it is not allowed to fly for any reason.
       Similarly, pilots or other flying personnel are grounded when
       they are not allowed to fly because of illness or for disobeying
       the rules.
                                        Adapted from Life in the USA: A Simplified reader on American
                                                                                                                            Culture, book 1
The word “must” (line 6), underlined in the text, is used to express:
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