
Questão 486236: Put the stages of a listening lesson plan in order by ...

Put the stages of a listening lesson plan in order by numbering them 1 - 8. Then, choose the alternative that presents the correct order. ( ) The teacher tells students the title of the s...

Put the stages of a listening lesson plan in order by numbering them 1 - 8. Then, choose the alternative that presents the correct order.

( ) The teacher tells students the title of the story - ?A long journey?.

( ) Students listen for gist to see if their predictions were right, and the class discuss their answers with the teacher.

( ) The teacher gives students comprehension questions to read.

( ) Students brainstorm words connected with journeys.

( ) Students listen for specific information.

( ) In pairs, students check their answers.

( ) Students use their answers to re-tell the story in pairs.

( ) The teacher gives students a list of words from a story about a journey. Students check which of their words are in the list, and then guess what the story will be about.

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