
Questão 48469: When investigators try to discover what caused an airlin...

When investigators try to discover what caused an airliner to crash, the first thing they hope to find are the flight data recorders, popularly known as “black boxes”. These devices, usually paint...

       When investigators try to discover what caused an airliner to crash, the first thing they hope to find are the flight data recorders, popularly known as “black boxes”. These devices, usually painted bright orange, record how the aircraft was flying and the last 30 minutes or so of conversation in the cockpit. The information extracted from them has helped to determine the cause of air crashes and to improve aviation safety. Similar recording systems are fitted to some trains, ships and lorries. Now a bill in America’s Congress seeks to make it compulsory for data recorders to be fitted to all cars by 2015.
       The idea is that data captured by the recorders would give investigators and road-safety officials a better understanding of how certain crashes come about.
Internet: <www.economist.com> (adapted).
Based on the text, judge the items below.

America’s Congress will make it obligatory for cars to use data recorders similar to those found in airplanes.
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